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Valentine's Day Couple's Event (Sat, Feb 10, 12PM - 2PM)

228 Grant Street Candle Co.

Valentine's Day Couple's Event (Sat, Feb 10, 12PM - 2PM)

$ 135.00

Price: $135 per couple

Price Includes:

Supplies for two candles per person

Special menu for this event:

Charcuterie + Crudités 

Dessert bites

Signature Drinks (w/ Alcohol & mocktails)

Please be advised that proof of vaccination is required (actual card, photocopy or digital copy). Masks will be required while not eating or drinking.

By entering an event or program of 228 Grant Street Candle Co., you are entering an area where photography, audio and video recording may occur. Your entry and presence on the event premises constitutes your consent to be photographed or videotaped for the sole purpose of promotional materials related to our brand and events. No payment will be provided for images or footage.

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