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About Us

Like many small businesses, a grandmother-story plays a central role in our brand’s origin and ongoing inspiration. The name 228 Grant Street Candle Co. pays homage to the home of my late maternal grandparents in Danville, VA; a home characterized by simple acts of hospitality and the sharing of things made and grown by my grandparents. Though she was not a candlemaker, my grandmother was a culinary wonder, baker, canner and gardener. Visitors never left her home without being offered something delightful that was made or grown by her or my grandfather. There was always something on the stove or in the freezer that could be magically put together for sustaining nourishment. Her front porch served as a neighborhood therapy office. Ms. Clara, as she was known throughout the community, was the embodiment of light and kindness.

Why Candlemaking?

I came to candlemaking after having been on a winding road of professional life as a minister, seminary admissions director and regional staff member of a denomination. Though all fulfilling roles, there was a deep longing for work that engaged more of my creativity, my hands and body. I came to candlemaking out of an obsession with deeply aromatic candles. For most of my adult life, candles have been a part of my creative process and meditative practice. While living on the West Coast, I was introduced to high-end candles by a close friend. While I couldn’t afford those candles with otherworldly fragrances, my experience in that high-end candle shop and the magical fragrances lingered and changed the way I shopped for candles. Fast forward a number of years, while candle shopping in a home décor store, out of nowhere, I had an undeniable moment of inspiration and initial thoughts that perhaps candlemaking was something that I could try as a creative outlet. Over the course of the next few weeks, I purchased instructional books, watched TONS of instructional videos and purchased basic candlemaking supplies. From there, the brand concept swept me away like an avalanche. I made tester candles and shared them with friends and family. Soon after, I was made a cold call to a local boutique and garnered my first wholesale order. Very quickly, I was up to placement in five stores. As I grew in my craft, the brand continued to grow quickly.

Brand Distinctives

The scent collection features scents for every mood and every season. Our curated fragrance profiles are inspired by nature and travel. We feature several familiar combinations like Amber + Sandalwood, Ginger + Lime but also several other alluring combinations that will take you by surprise like customer favorites Coconut & Bergamot, Cedar and Vanilla and Wild Blackberry + Absinthe.

Brand Mission

Our mission is to create amazing and affordable candles featuring uniquely curated fragrance blends. We also seek to build, nurture and sustain community through collective economics, collaboration and inspiring others to follow their creative passions.